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Fantasy Football with Eli Manning and IBM Watson • Live Stream Content

Fantasy Football with IBM Watson: Live Stream Content

Creative Director

Live Production, Live Stream, Scripted Content, Set Design, Talent Management


IBM wanted to go LIVE to kick off the 2021–2022 fantasy football season

To celebrate IBM Watson Trade Assistant in a big way, we were able to get big names, including Superbowl Champion Eli Manning and ESPN personality Mike Greenberg, to sit down and discuss the ongoing NFL season, their fantasy picks and how trading with IBM Watson was giving their team the edge to win.

Live Production

Our decision to film a live production enabled us to harness the feeling of a live event, while giving us a more polished look of a major production.

Set Design

Our creative decisions allowed us to have 3 different IBM set changes within our single studio. We were able to provide varying backdrops and arrangements that gave IBM a branded, dynamic program.

Room for Experts and for Athletes

Our programming within the event allowed us to talk about lighter topics like favorite teams and players, while also giving IBM the platform to dive deeper into products, services and initiatives.

And we had a lot of fun in the process.