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S.Pellegrino Delightways: 360 Campaign

Senior Creative

Scriptwriting, Art Direction, Copywriting, Soundtrack Selection, Animated Film, Out of Home, iOS Application, Product Label Design, B2C, Paid Media


Dining by Starlight: Animated Film


 The Tasteful Touch:

The strawberries came from farm to table. The coral-red napkins match the plates. Lighting? Just right. But this meal won’t really become an emblem of good taste until a bottle of S.Pellegrino is opened and poured.

S.Pellegrino is that unique touch that adds taste to any setting – a signal that this occasion will be one to remember.

Dining by Starlight: Out of Home


North America Label

We leveraged the hand painted back drop for our Out of Home to concept and design a new label for all bottles sold in North America. 

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Fitting in with "Delightways" 

Our animated film and Out of Home both fit seamlessly with the S.Pellegrino "Delightways" app, encouraging users to discover new tasteful experiences in cities around the world. 

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